Sunday, March 19, 2006

Sunday Biking

Today is the first day of biking with Jen. I biked to her place which took me a half hour...after meeting her we biked along lakeshore. I was hesitant at first because I really wanted a workout, I wanted a cardio push and I didn't think we would do it, but we did. I was impressed. Took us just over an hour to do our loop. During that time, she told me she was pregnant. WOW she is pregnant. Of course I have my own judgements, but they are exactly that, my own judgements. So, I congratulated her, asked her various questions on about our way we went. Of course I can't deny that her pregnancy makes me aware of my own fertility. I am torn because part of me would like the experience, however I want nothing to do with the life long commitment the child brings...I guess the future will tell...maybe in five years the blog will look different and I will have hundreds of nauseating pictures of "junior" on site...just enough to show I am a proud mama...BLECH!! For now my body is my body...and me and my partner are happy spending time with eachother as a couple.
The bike ride, is making me think I want to up how many times a week I go. I think I will try for three times although I think a day of sleeping in will be it will be two days of biking. Which is still good because of my desire to lose wieght.
Oh did I mention my roommates mother is here right now? Okay, so I am holed up in my room while the two of them are obnoxious and loud and making the dog bark and growl...FUCK!! I can't wait till I am free of this bullshit!

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