Tuesday, April 18, 2006

What it isn't September yet?!?!

Okay I have sitting on some big news lately. Nothing is official...in the sense that the university has not contacted me to say "She you are accepted" however I am in the Masters program of UBC-O. YEAH! Okay, but that really isn't the big news. I think it was kind of a given I would end up in the program...what is big is the money. It wasn't long ago that my supervisor sat me down and said, "This university has no money for your studies, you have to think long and hard if you want to do this because you will have to fund most of it" Of course I freaked out but made the awful decision that I will go ahead and do my studies at the university. So, I began compiling lists of people who had grants and needed R.A.'s, I also applied for some scholarships and started mapping times of application for other scholarships. I was determined to do the next step in my education.
Well here is the beauty of life...especially for me...turns out there was an angel on my shoulder and he has email! I was emailed by a former professor who happened to have some money lying around for a student like me!! WOOT! For two years I will be getting two lump sum payments that will make life absolutely lovely!! I am so stoked and happy!
Okay the part that will hurt and I have to say sorry to all those friends who I said I would visit in the summer...SORRY...cause I am back in classes may 16th!! I am doing the Summer Institute which will save me from having to design my own courses...and while I am pooped I would rather not have to design a course just yet...forget several courses.

1 comment:

Mystress Fyre said...

omg omg omg omg omg omg!!!!
*I'm doing backflips for you*

you are a very deserving person for this She. You work yer butt off, your brilliant, your freaking amazing. I couldn't think of a better person to recieve such a great gift!!

P.S. Hm, I wonder if I have an angel to attend Clown Conservatory in SF this fall.....tee hee hee