I am currently working through watching "Cry Freedom". The movie is about Steve Biko. For those of you who don't know who he is, he is a South African. His importance is founded in his tenacity and eloquence in articulating in very public ways the need for Apartheid to end and for all africans to be equal. Watch the movie...always remember Hollywood has a hand in representation. However if you aren't exposed to South Africa and issues of Apartheid then the movie will bring you a step closer.

I often wonder if Biko had lived. If he hadn't been beaten to death, if the guards had taken him to a hospital that was closer...if if if...we saw what Mandella did and does...where would Biko's voice be located today?

And finally...who are the Steve Biko's today? I am not deluded in believing oppression is over. Imperialism and colonialism is live and well...how am I benefiting from the oppressive structure? How can I be part of ending oppression?
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