Friday, March 17, 2006


Okay I am beginning. I am taking part in the the blogging revolution. However after several years of blogging being on the world wide web scene I guess I am no longer part of the revolution. Finally, after some drooling over Todd's site and wondering how in the world would I compose a site that I could maintain and perhaps make interesting, I made the decision. Now, the word interesting popped up, doesn't necessarily mean what is read here will be interesting.
Currently, I am using this site to escape...perhaps procrastinate from doing my academic work. I am also using it to make me look busy and doing 'important' STUFF!

My true intention is that when something pops into my head...when I come across something fascinating I will come here and document my fascination. Hopefully as time goes by I will be able to reflect and build a network that will force me to articulate my fascination.

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