Not once, but twice the larger voting public looked at this face and thought "why not?" Seriously?

Okay, buckle in because what I heard this morning really pissed me off and also incensed me to write! Bush is a complete criminal. I can honestly say that since 2001 his activities in trying to bring 'freedom' to the world have been misguided and misinformed and complete propaganda. What makes me even more sick is that he has sent his own people to fight for what? OIL?? Because so far I have not seen anything that resembles freedom. What makes me even more livid is watching the death toll rise for soldiers who are sent overseas and no-one is posting how many people are dying as a result of US led occupation!!! I would really love to see someone put Bush on trial! Seriously, if we are going to condone Saddams treatment and trial, then the larger community really needs to hold Bush accountable for his actions while in office!
Back to the soldiers. I have been listening to CBC early in the morning. The radio is part of my morning routine. I check my email and gear up for the day while listening to the morning report and various interesting interviews. Lately, a large amount of the interviews have centered around the War in Iraq. More specifically whether Canadians should ask for their soldiers to come home. I am confident that the overall feeling is that our soldiers do not need to be over there sacrificing their lives for Bush's mess. Niether do American soldiers deserve to be over there. Anyways, there have been generals and such saying the Canadian public should basically keep their mouth shut becuase their opinions will demoralize those soldiers who believe their efforts are for the betterment of all peoples. Okay, valid to some degree. However, these generals and important members are sitting on a cushy seat in an office separated by an ocean talking to a reporter!! What the heck do they really know? Why do I say this? Because of Joshua Key.

Joshua Key is an American soldier who went AWOL. He is seeking refuge in Canada. Personally I feel Canadians should embrace him. Although I know Canadians taking in defecting American soldiers will not help the relationship with the US. I also I know that Bush and Harper are keen on eachother, especially since Harper is one of the people who actually thinks Bush is cool.
So what is Joshua's Story? I will give you the rundown I head on CBC. The interview was between a reporter and Joshua. So, Joshua signed up for the army. He chose a position that meant he would not have to go overseas. He would be stationed in the States. For awhile he was. The reporter asked him if soldiers who opt for stationing in the States ever think they will be asked to go overseas. He said that going overseas is a definite possibility for anyone who enlists. And he knew full well he could be made to go. However, he has a family, and he is poverty stricken. He needed the army so he could do his time, make money and then find job placements after his service. A story I have heard before...and not entirely a bad idea. Except Bush is your president and well US is at war...bad idea. Okay, so Joshua got the call to go overseas. His speciality was egineering bridges, however, the US army placed him in explosives because he scored high in his math exams. When Joshua was being shipped overseas he was told he would be put out in the desert and be part of team that is disarming landmines. Not a bad gig. Doing some good, cleaning up landmines, which is needed since several soldiers and civilians are being injured as a result of landmines. The story changed however when Joshua landed overseas he was told he will be part of raiding peoples homes. He admitted initially it was a bit of a rush. He laid a couple charges of c4 at the front door, the door would blow, and then about 6 soldiers would run into the house and remove the men outside while holding the women and children at gunpoint. The men of the house would be taken away for interrogation. After a while, Joshua admitted he and his soldier mates began to realize that the people were civilians and the US soldiers were keeping a pile of innocent people in a state of fear, not a state of freedom. When he got back to the US he ran for the border with his family. He has been in hiding but now is asking for help and speaking out. He said that about 80% of the soldiers in his unit felt what they were doing overseas is wrong...fundamentally wrong. However the commanders are telling them to shutup and do their job!! What the hell??
I checked out CBC website and it said of the 6,000 current troops a 150 have defected. I think that is a significant amount of soldiers considering all the training and brainwashing they endure to be even able to handle war. A 150 men defecting is HUGE when they are taught to never leave their team!
Okay that is my story.
I admit I am biased. I feel Bush has screwed over North America and put a HUGE target on our backs for retaliation and escalation. His efforts have injured to many innocent people who will remember for a very long time and hold hate in their hearts. Certainly, we have not seen the end. Simply removing Bush from office will not solve the problem, not one bit. However getting rid of him and ceasing war efforts and beginning rehabilitation efforts is needed NOW!
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