Stress? Who's stressed? Surely not me? No WAY! Okay, you caught me! So, slowly dawning on me what I have to get done. I wish the dawning would come quicker so I could get to the order of the day!! However, not the case. I also don't think it helps that I am surrounded by several people give or take a 1000 who are also stressed out. Why? Well, I go to University and if there is one universal thing that students go through it is the final month of a semester...right now that month is March, with a tiny smattering of April. So, I am on campus daily and surrounded by stress cadets who are flipping out. My typical arguement is "Do what you can when you can...nothing more can happen over that, so why worry?" Okay, well that bullshit doesn't last too long with me, I still freak out and think what the fuck am I doing? It is okay though...last time I have to do the guantlet as an undergraduate. And when I say guantlet I mean guantlet...seriously some students should be given medals for the backflips they have to perform to make it through the final semester of classes! I don't flip so much as saunter...I learned in second year I can't panic, it gets me no where except with little sleep and drool hanging off my chin and really who wants to look at that? Certainly not me! So I finish assignments (crappy work but it is work) and go to my respective jobs...then I run into Carlos who says "wait until you are a PhD then you will know what busy means" and about that point in my Ally McBeal brain I rip his head off his shoulders and feed it to ravenous piranas. In reality I just laugh and say "okay carlos" *fucker*
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