Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Poor Vancouver, and coast

I guess November was unwilling to go unnoticed, so right at the end of the month British Columbia became the target for memory of the month. Especially Vancouver. Vancouver was pummeled just over a week ago with rain storms which effectively wreacked havoc on the water systems and also added the pain of power outages and wrecked property. So, for a week the soggy, drenched Vancouver and coast was placed in a boil water advisory and the shelves where bottled water once sat now lay bare. However, November wasn't happy with this...nope, the punch needed to be harder, so lets drop the temperature and slap some snow down on the poor coast.
Now I have heard a lot of people say that people in Vancouver don't know how to cope with the snow, they become idiots and drive like grannies...I think this is being fairly harsh on a population that rarely has to experience freezing temperatures and frequent snow falls. The city doesn't budget for snow clearance, the drivers aren't thinking winter tires or safety measures that we in the north take for granted. Add on to the fact that the coast has already had a miserable week of water issues, now it's cold, no power, no safe water and compounded by a homeless population that has no resource.
So 90, 0000 people with no power beginning Monday, and now 14, 000 in Victoria and no power and another storm coming.
I don't have much of a point other than let's go easy on Vancouver and the coast, they are getting their teeth kicked in right now.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Month of Jaidan

I continually have new places that I find in my grief. Overall, I think I am fairly quiet about my grieving and how extensive my pain and sense of loss is. I remember when someone at one of my old jobs lost his grandmother. For several months afterwards he was very vocal about his pain, and the staff increasingly became unsympathetic towards him and began suggesting that his grieving time should end. I remember that reaction and often find myself censuring myself when in public, or ever personal situations. I don't want people to groan inwardly when I mention the pain of losing my brother and that even two years later I find I am profoundly affected and disabled by my grief.
What is worse is that it is November, and Jaidan passed away in body remembers the smells, sights, the feeling of the cold, everything that embodies November feels as though it is now part of my DNA...I can't go anywhere without feeling the heaviness of this month.
I would hope as the years pass perhaps this too shall pass, however, if it doesn't I don't think I should feel bad about it. Jaidan is my brother, he is a foundation in which part of who I am rests firmly with. His death had many repercussions on my present situation, as well as, past and future.
So this is the Month of Jaidan...perhaps even the season as I can't even imagine another Christmas without him and yet I have to. I don't think that I will be increasing my vocalization about my grief, but I will work on not feeling shame for for feeling sad. I also hope that I will be a source of solace for those who lost someone dear and near and feel isolated by those who don't know or don't understand what that means and how long that kind of pain lasts and manifests.

Here is to one day waking up!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Congratulations America!

Democrats got to have a comeback in the States. Can I say that Bush did it to himself? Err, ya, big ol' presidentio Bush basically opened the door for the Democrats to come in and muddy the waters.
I have doubts about how much this new event will change the situation in the Middle East...the damage is more than definitely done. I know, if the tables were reversed and it was Canada that has been consistently bombed and occupied, well, my memory is long and my willingness to not forget and to move to action is very close to me. So, even if the midterm elections is a glimmer of hope that the Republican regime is on the way out...the damage is done...
Okay, and moving on. So, Saddam Hussien is sentenced to death by hanging. Automatically, his case goes to appeals court...if the verdict is upheld, they have thirty days in which to hang the fellow. I have had my ear glued to the news, especially the responses in the Arab world. I can't argue with either side, the Suni's or the Shiite's...both have very valid reasons as to why or why not Saddam should be hung/hanged (bad grammar, sorry).

I have to say I am happy to hear that the
Here is my thing...and I know the reality but a girl can dream right? Will Bush ever go on trial for his crimes?? Okay, reality says that unless he sticks a cigar up an interns rear, he will never have to go before a judge ...yes I am being glib, but that seems to be pretty much the truth of it. Sure, Viatnamese President gets world condemnation and sanctions for testing a nuclear bomb and Prez Bush gets the democrats. I know I see the uneveness of this...
For those three or four people who may or may not read my anything you want to add? Got milk?
Oh, uhm, speaking of advertising, the United Church got a ten million dollar boost to start up a provocative advertising campaign. The reason this "provocative" campaign has started is because the Church noticed that the 30-45 age group was missing from the Church scene. They feel that this age group isn't looking to the Church for spirituality because they don't know the Church can offer that...thus the campaign. One ad, shows a picture of Jesus in the mall during Christmas, instead of Santa and the caption asks would you still take your children?...anyways, I wanted to find a picture sadly I cant'. BOO hiss me...go ahead comment away!!