Tuesday, May 09, 2006


The nightmares...always with the same usual theme, Jaidan dying, death, dead. This time a deadly freezing wind comes through the town of Vernon at certain times and Jaidan and I have to get somewhere with our luggage. We hop in the car, I drive. We get to our destination and the freezing wind is behind us...we can see it. Both Jaidan and I run into safety...literally side by side. When we get in, for just a moment I think *we made it* but I look over at him...he isn't looking at me. His whole body is stiff...and he falls to the floor. The freezing wind got him, not me. I see convulsions of his hand...my dream interprets the wave as an attempt to say *I am alive, save me*....

Shortly after this I wake up. That was three days ago...and I can't shake it. I am tired. Extremely tired. But I still have to go work, I have classes starting next week. I am breaking. I found myself in a hallway trying to put money on my photocopy card fighting back tears.

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