Okay, I know the picture isn't pleasant to look at. However, in my defense niether is four months of a topic about death. And the culmination of the four months spent studing Medieval Death Literature is my essay about a woman who is complaining to the worms who are eating her rotting corpse. The picture was the best I could come up with in terms of "Worm Food"...which is the title of my essay...although, I may change the title to "Worms Meat"...I like that more! I am one day away from submitting the essay and the process is always a self-defeating one because I am constantly thinking I am not doing something right, I haven't linked enough sentences, I haven't introduced enough quotes or I introduced too many quotes. I am too broad, I am too narrow...ERGH!!
Really, the topic I think matches my sentiments about essay writing. Why do the professors (worms) always have to chew on my work (body)? Oh right becuase I shouldn't be so concerned with my work (body) I should be more concerned with my soul?? Nope doesn't apply...although my work is continuously turned into Worms Meat!!
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