Well, I am moving into the phase of final countdown to moving day. I realize as I get older, that moving is a painful process. I was packing boxes last weekend and re-arranging different areas of my home and the next day my body violently protested. I was a bit upset at first with my bodies reaction to my preparations, especially since I have been exercising regularly lately...granted my exercise does not include bending and lifting, however I thought perhaps my exercise would stave off some of the pain. NO. So I began to think about what moving day will do to my body and I don't have one body to worry about I also have the body of my partner to worry about. Especially since it will be our first night sleeping together in OUR home...and he will be sore, and I will be sore...and we will still have to get up the next day and run about trying to pull OUR home together. Thankfully, a wonderful friend has made the process easier by lending us his truck. Which I find as a great honour that he trusts me and partner enough with his transportation. And here is where I get really excited about moving day...because you really get to know who is in it for the long haul and who isn't. I have learned in my life that friends come and go quite frequently. However, that doesn't mean stop making friends because they are fleeting, what it does mean though is to watch a friends behaviour while they are in your life. The friends I cherish the most are the ones who can manage truly selfless acts. They inspire me to continually strive to do selfless acts myself. Granted it is more effort and work helping others at the expense of your comfort and time...however, the way I percieve my behaviour is that should I die dead in front of this computer right now, I will die content knowing that I tried....and that I don't have to move next Saturday!! JUST JOKING!
I thought you weren't able to get in until the 1st, which would be Monday.
I'm so very excited for you! FINALLY some healthy change! Whooppeee!!! Will you have a couch for a traveller like myself to crash on??? Goody goody goody!
Yes, Saturday. I asked to get in April 29th so it wouldn't get in the way of any work I may have May 1st.
Very happy to do it on the weekend...forecast says 60% chance of rain!! WOOOOOOOTTT!
Yes, I will have not only a couch for travellors but a very comfy cot to sleep on...it will be in the computer room...that might be a problem, but it has wheels so we can wheel travellers like yourself around the house!! WOOOOt! Wheely-dealy!!
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