Okay, so my hands are becoming slightly overused. I just finished writing my last final exam I will ever write as an undergrad. In two hours I responded to four questions and used three booklets to do so. My hand is throbbing right now and I think my brain melted. Now I am going to complete my 35 page paper and my prof can dream about me doing anymore than that!! I can't believe I am done! I am so scared and yet so completely exhilarated! How the hell did I get this far? And no-one has found out I am a complete fraud!! YAHOOO...SUCKERS! Just joking...or am I? I need to find a good hand surgeon...academia is a killer on the hand bones!
Yes I am moving April 29th...yes I have a couch and a cot...yes you all worship me and adore me...yes, I smell!
**insert loud echoing voice here**
oh great Sheyde (I just forgot how to spell it)
I worship the ground you float on even though I can't spell your name!
I will come and snore loudly on your cot/couch or whatever when the time comes!!
**end loud annoying voice**
Congrats on finally being finished. Yer amazing! Yer brilliant and as far as I can tell y er not so much of a fraud. No ME on the other hand. hahahaha.
Congrats, She... you deserve it.
The truck is here, & as of yesterday the insurance is on it. I'll be here all day Saturday doing last minute stuff and probably finishing the benches and bar table on my deck. Feel free to pick it up whenever you like...
Call me (I suppose I could call you too). Whatever, either way, we'll figure it out.
Does this mean I finally get to meet the man?
Yes, it means you finally get to meet the man...LOL, we may be ragged by the time we see...so, may not be a pretty sight, but you will meet him..LOL
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