...sometimes I have echoes of a philosopher dancing around in my membraneous skull...but that's all it is--echoes
I don't know, I just got to thinking, there are these things I am doing, these things I am attached and these words I use to identify and none of them are based on anything more than what my culture has dictated. Then I got to thinking how all of us are linked by the need to breath oxygen, digest food and at some point be part of a community and it's what drives us all, and yet on every piece of land on this globe, we manifest how we do that differently and consequently separate ourselves, based on arbitrary decisions on how best to survive....
And that would probably be why I was cranky pants yesterday, because I sunk into the crevices of my skull, the places where my soft spot fused together and yet leaves room for vulnerability...
Heh, and I haven't done anything creative for a while and I long to...so it eeks out of me, leaky, drip, drip, drip...like chinese water torture, but the release of each drip is so exquisite that I could liken it to one of my best sexual experiences...
I want to write a book...a rumination, a walking through and digestion of experience...I once went to a reading by Robert Kroestche and there was a poem he recited and I can't remember the aim of the poem, but there was a brief line that spoke to me, it was about walking and I started to day dream about how I have to this day, experienced my life on my feet, through my ability to stand and to walk and that some of my best experiences have happened because I walk....
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