I guess it's early? Hhehee it is nine in the morning and time for us to make off to Penticton for an open house at the observatory there! I know this picture conveys the excitement we feel about the coming day (sarcasm). Really, Rob just wasn't ready for me...sorry Rob!
Rob is trying to tell Kaz about a drive he took that was scenic.
This is Gerry, the car. There is a story about how the car was named and if you are interested I am happy to share.
We have now arrived at the observatory where we were greated with the vision of several large satellites.
The observatory requires cars to park 60 metres away. The walk isn't ardous AT ALL, but they provided a narrow paved space for both pedestrians and cars to share...not something that goes over well for impatient drivers.
Ashley, Rob, Kaz and I all tried to get pictures of all four, however, all of our cameras could get three people and the fourth....obviously they have the other pictures that match this one.
Ashely was concerned about her closed eyes in our "group" photo and stated she didn't want her photo taken, which gave me the idea to take her photo!
Rob is incredibly patient and willing to be subjected to whatever a friend asks! I asked to stamp his face and he let me stamp both of his cheeks. He walked around the observatory like that the whole time...I was impressed with his self-confidence to not be bothered about doing something fun!
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