The photocopier and I have had a torrid relationship, filled with long hours of standing, overexposure to a brainsucking green light, and a 'start' button that needs more than a PUSH!
I thought perhaps I would have a sabbatical from the photocopier...seeing that my position is "research beast" for a well-meaning PhD (Yay me!). So the sabbatical had come in the form of the universitities effort to track which account the PhD's are photocopying for. This means they need an employee number and pin. More to the point this means I have NIETHER and thus unable to photocopy. After a few seconds of deep and complicated sorrow, I did a very modest jump for joy (sarcasm). I foolishly informed the wellmeaning PhD of the change in protocol. To which he stormed down to Tech service and promptly got me swipe cards for all the accounts I would be photocopying for. Damnit...I mean YAY, the day is saved. So I toddle down to the second floor with my shiny cards in hand and piles of books in the other...to find the door locked and note asking that the door remain locked at all times and people with a key can get in. I am not one of the key holders, and the hope of a break from the photocopier was emerging...and I AGAIN foolishly told the wellmeaning PhD about why I couldn't photocopy. Ha, I need to learn to not be honest...keep the trap shut! He secured access to a key for me!
So today, I spent an exhorbitant amount of time in front of the heated, greenlighted, finicky start button photocopier, catching up on ALL the photocopying that had been delayed by the universities desire to clamp down on access! I need to remember sunglasses next time!

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