Monday, April 30, 2007

Sometimes it is TOO much

I love hats. A huge fan of hats. I personally think that there is no such thing as too many hats. That is why I own two hats and NEVER wear them, except on days when I don't want to wash my hair, which is rare!

However, as responsibilities go, I have so many different hats (aka responsibilities) that I wear, I am quickly running out of closet space! Now the reason for the burgeoning flow of 'hats' in my life is, I say "yes" WAY too easily, and I have an appetite for knowledge that is difficult to satiate. I REALLY DO WANT TO KNOW...even if it is tedious and repititious I want to know how to do it and I like being responsible for it. I am fairly sure I can liken my brand of 'hats' to an addiction. I currently have more jobs than a person really needs in this world or should be able to do really, and the cherry on that pile is I really need to focus on my studies...which at this point I seem to manage checking in on my studies like one checks to see if their babies are sleeping okay. Oh the day I look in and see that my studies are screaming for a diaper change! And I am sure that day is coming.

Luckily my supervisor has noticed the plethora of 'hats' I don, while sitting in one place and has requested a meeting to talk about roles and responsibilities. Basically he is forcing me to go into the room with my babies and start being a proper parent to what should be my primary concern. (I know I am REALLY metaphor happy right now, but honestly that is because I am ALSO creatively writing for submission too! yet another hat!)

So do you love hats as well? Literally or figuratively? And how many do you have literally or figuratively?

The literal hats I like are the knitted ones...I don't know what it is with me lately, but I am really digging handcrafted items! I think I am going rustic or something...hope that isn't contagious?

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Falling Asleep on the Job

I have been caught again! Sleeping on the job...

No not really, but I feel like I have been running a guantlet of work, which is slowly slowing down. I FINALLY finished my research proposal, which was the Ogre from hell, but I slaughtered it and punted it out the door.

Now, I have the craziness of catching up on the other jobs I hold on this campus. Really, that baby has the right idea! Although, is it child abuse if the baby was holding a beer in her hand?

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Grindhouse is a good brew!

I don't understand why Grindhouse is not doing well in the theatres. The show is impeccable! The comedy and imagination that both Rodriguez and Tarentino express in the double feature is undeniable. Granted the trailers really didn't set me up for what I was about to experience, but I don't think I have laughed so hard and been so grossed out at the same time!! Both features were distinct and focused on the necessary parts of the storyline!
So if you haven't seen it yet, GO! (It isn't PG so if you like PG movies, don't go). And if you can't make it to the theatre, skip renting it and just BUY the DVD! I know I will!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Foiled again!

Here it is, my nemesis:

The photocopier and I have had a torrid relationship, filled with long hours of standing, overexposure to a brainsucking green light, and a 'start' button that needs more than a PUSH!
I thought perhaps I would have a sabbatical from the photocopier...seeing that my position is "research beast" for a well-meaning PhD (Yay me!). So the sabbatical had come in the form of the universitities effort to track which account the PhD's are photocopying for. This means they need an employee number and pin. More to the point this means I have NIETHER and thus unable to photocopy. After a few seconds of deep and complicated sorrow, I did a very modest jump for joy (sarcasm). I foolishly informed the wellmeaning PhD of the change in protocol. To which he stormed down to Tech service and promptly got me swipe cards for all the accounts I would be photocopying for. Damnit...I mean YAY, the day is saved. So I toddle down to the second floor with my shiny cards in hand and piles of books in the find the door locked and note asking that the door remain locked at all times and people with a key can get in. I am not one of the key holders, and the hope of a break from the photocopier was emerging...and I AGAIN foolishly told the wellmeaning PhD about why I couldn't photocopy. Ha, I need to learn to not be honest...keep the trap shut! He secured access to a key for me!

So today, I spent an exhorbitant amount of time in front of the heated, greenlighted, finicky start button photocopier, catching up on ALL the photocopying that had been delayed by the universities desire to clamp down on access! I need to remember sunglasses next time!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Burlesque you say?

Friday April 6th the adventure began. Three brave souls marched out into the dangerous...oh wait wrong story! Here we go right one: So a fellow student saw and advertisement for a Burlesque show here in K-town and she hinted around about me joining her...I finally caved and we also recruited another grad student to go with us.

I will preface this with I am very happy Burlesque came to the valley and I hope similar shows make continual arrivals on the performance landscape.
The show was held at the Habitat which I am told was created so that whatever event could be held there...not sure of the whole intent although I suspect it is an attempt to give more 'meat' to the cultural vibe of K-town...which I support any effort that focuses on diversity and punching up the level of colour in the town and valley!
The show was sold out and me and my colleagues showed up just in time as there was only five tickets left...YEAH!!! We found seats (that were incredibly painful and unforgiving to my well padded backside...I can still feel the pain!).
Two different sets of performers were scheduled: Kabuki Guns (opening act) and Cheesecake Burlesque Review (second act).

Kabuki had an emcee that admittedly was new and ultimately she was HORRIBLE!! She encouraged the crowd to buy her drinks in the hope that she would improve as an emcee and even as she poured shots down her throat she still managed to stumble over which routine was coming up and names!! Which was matched by poorly practiced routines and ladies who were barely even going through the motions of burlesque. Thankfully I had Rob and Tena to share in the mocking of the whole was disappointing as I had a fairly good idea of burlesque and I also have a WELL GROUNDED sense of performance and these ladies totally ruined the experience and had no respect for the art form they were representing! Although, there was one lady who I got the sense was aiming to do her best but it was hard to give her credence when her fellow performers left such a bad taste in my mouth...
The saving grace was that Kabuki was the opening act (unfortunately the opening soured the experience). The Cheesecake Burlesque Review was great! Granted they admitted they were still perfecting their routines but their emcee was beautifully articulate, clear and well organized! The performers believed in what they were doing and really gave it what they could! Very beautiful ladies honouring a style of performance that has a long history!

The audience was a split of the typical drunken bravado males and the conservative watching for watching sake. Which for me was disappointing as well as I really think the audience makes up the other part of a performance. Aside from the performers themselves no one really costumed for the occassion and drunken men aside the audience remained fairly reserved, still and only engaged at appropriate times ie clapping at the end and beginning of the performances.
However, I will remain firm in being thankful that the show came and I hope many more will arrive on the performance scene! I would book them in a heartbeat!!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Little Girls and the Labrynth...

Here is the trouble I get into while walking...I begin remembering! Well worse than that, my MP3 player gets time to reel around to songs I usually don't hear. Today, it was David Bowie "Power of the Babe". Which got me remembering to the time when I learned about, at the time I knew what it meant, but I didn't KNOW what it meant.
Here is where the Labrynth comes in...yes, I am sorry to shatter all my "cool" allusions any of you may have had, but David Bowie in big hair and tights made my knees go weak. I have even purchased the movie and have watched it recently and the guy is still sexy to me!

Which gets me to thinking, what about David outside of the cheesy 80's film and in 2007? Yes, he is still sexy!!!

Now if you will excuse me I must go watch the Labrynth....and Sam if you are out there somewhere, thankyou for confirming that David is sexy, and more to the point that even hetero men find David sexy too!