I love hats. A huge fan of hats. I personally think that there is no such thing as too many hats. That is why I own two hats and NEVER wear them, except on days when I don't want to wash my hair, which is rare!
However, as responsibilities go, I have so many different hats (aka responsibilities) that I wear, I am quickly running out of closet space! Now the reason for the burgeoning flow of 'hats' in my life is, I say "yes" WAY too easily, and I have an appetite for knowledge that is difficult to satiate. I REALLY DO WANT TO KNOW...even if it is tedious and repititious I want to know how to do it and I like being responsible for it. I am fairly sure I can liken my brand of 'hats' to an addiction. I currently have more jobs than a person really needs in this world or should be able to do really, and the cherry on that pile is I really need to focus on my studies...which at this point I seem to manage checking in on my studies like one checks to see if their babies are sleeping okay. Oh the day I look in and see that my studies are screaming for a diaper change! And I am sure that day is coming.

Luckily my supervisor has noticed the plethora of 'hats' I don, while sitting in one place and has requested a meeting to talk about roles and responsibilities. Basically he is forcing me to go into the room with my babies and start being a proper parent to what should be my primary concern. (I know I am REALLY metaphor happy right now, but honestly that is because I am ALSO creatively writing for submission too! yet another hat!)
So do you love hats as well? Literally or figuratively? And how many do you have literally or figuratively?
The literal hats I like are the knitted ones...I don't know what it is with me lately, but I am really digging handcrafted items! I think I am going rustic or something...hope that isn't contagious?