Well, it is time for yet another semester to begin. January 8th and the following week will result in the usual line-ups and mixed feelings about tuition, bus passes, text purchases and syllabi's. I went into the bookstore today to purchase the one and only text I will need "Readme First". It was a very reluctant purchase as my funds were lacking and I was just as content to photocopy, unfortunately the text has a CD-ROM which turns out to be integral to the course and my ability to do research. I stood before the books and gazed at some of the courses and their required readings...I had mixed feelings because there was plenty of material that looked VERY interesting to me and yet I was glad that I am no longer an undergraduate who has to slog through 8 to 12 books in a semester. Don't get me wrong the Master's program is not a reading dream come true, in fact there might be more reading, but one doesn't notice so much because a large portion of the reading centres on personal interests. I made the right decision. So, hopefully funds will get easier and I can make the return to the bookstore and buy the books students didn't for my own personal enjoyment...I am that much of a dork.
On that note, I also came to the campus early...January 2nd early. Granted my work requires me to show up a little earlier, but the other reason is that I enjoy the quiet campus. Just me and the staff. No noisy students cluttering and littering hallways, no cramped busses, no messy bathrooms, and unfettered librarians...truly a beautiful thing. My goal this summer is to bring my rollerblades and skate the hallways...that is how empty the campus is!!
This is the semester where my research question is expected to cement itself, where my methodology and method will be clarified and I will write for the ethics board...this seems all so sureal and yet I know this means I am that much closer to being done my Masters!! Gosh!
Hooray for 2007! Welcome back everyone!
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