2008 Okanangan International Marathon--my final goal.
So I started weight loss as of May 2007, and as of January 8th, 2008, I started training for a half marathon. There are pictures in another posting of the half marathon. As a result of my training, I was encouraged to attempt a full marathon. Here's the distinction, a 1/2 marathon is 21.1Km long, and a full marathon is 42.2Km long...yes double the distance and you have yourself a full one! I have to-date lost a 106lbs and I officially have finished the full marathon. My chip time was 5:01, and I've posted a link at the bottom so you can check it out for yourself!

So it's 7:15am in the morning, the race starts at 8am and Terrie (running partner) and I attempting to get warm in the expo tent...it was cold and dark outside! We did bring our smiles!

I do appreciate the luck of drawing the number "1234" I almost felt like I was being given a message...something like: It's as easy as 1...2...3...4!!

This is me at the start, waving, smiling and ready for what's to come! There was a tonne of people there, so it took a while for all of us to get out of the gate. Once we were out it was quite surreal, because in my training group there was about 9 of us training to do the full marathon, so very often my runs consisted of just me out on the road, sometimes Terrie was with me and sometimes not...so quite a quiet time of training. Then here I find myself in amongst a gaggle of people and there was lots of them until we split up at the turn around point...then people dwindled, but even at the end there was still runners visible to me or around me! I got a real charge out of it and I think that is why I was able to do the marathon in the time that I did...I was thinking it would take me 5 and half hours, so 5hrs is pretty impressive! My goal is try and do it within four hours...a couple more years of training I would venture? The race was amazing and I did it with a head cold to boot! The weather threatened to rain, but then backed off and the sun came out. The whole run was cool, and my nose never warmed up the whole race! I had some great friends come out and cheer me on and I am hoping to get their pictures soon!

So, this is me coming to the final stretch to the finish line. At the 37Km mark tears were already streaming down my face and I had to pull them in because it is hard to breath when crying. I couldn't believe that I ran the furthest distance I had ever run in my life and that the finish line was so close...every kilometre I passed, I could feel the success growing in me! I was going finish and I was going to finish feeling relatively good. What do I mean by relatively good? Nothing was broken, dislocated, no crashing because of lack of nutrition, hydrated quite well...my muscles were damn freaking tired and my right foot was taking a serious beating, all in all I was in great shape!

Not only was I in great shape, but I was smiling and waving coming in! HOORAY!! However...the tears I was biting back needed to come out...

I had a sweet crowd of friends around me...not so well represented in these pictures, but there was a nice turnout, which made me happy. I saw all of their faces eagerly watching and cheering me to the finish line and then they rounded the corner to meet me on the otherside and I began bawling! Sobbing! Crying! I was and am so happy that I did it, and I had witnesses! I cried! I ran 42.2km! I learned I can put self-doubt on the shelf and get 'er done!

So once again, I owe Kasondra...can't believe that this time last year she suggested training for a 1/2 marathon, telling me it would help with weight loss, which it did tremendously! I entertained the idea and also embarked on the adventure that led me to loving running! I don't know how long I will love running for as I am thinking I would like to try my hand at boxing or mixed martial arts...for now, though I love it and I have Kasondra to thank for leading me to the trough so-to-speak! Seeing her made me weep even harder! The gratitude in my heart was overwhelming!

So here we are, Terrie and I, at the finish, both of us having run our first marathon and coming in strong, happy and well within our own personal goals! I am proud, I am ready for the next challenge and finally I am grateful! I am lucky to be alive and to be cherished by so many wonderful and multi-faceted people. Including those who read this! Thank you for your support!
http://www.events.runningroom.com/site/?raceId=3273 This is the main page for the event
http://www.events.runningroom.com/site/?raceId=3273&eventId=12203&vrindex=4 This link is for the Marathon results, I can be searched by name (Ctrl + F) or by race number "1234"