It has recently been brought to my attention that some people do read this blog and that my absences don't help in the process of knowing what I am up to these days. Last month, I met some of my family which for a long time had been quite unknown to me! I also was able to couple the meeting with a road trip with a lovely friend, Colleen. I would like to say about Colleen, she is living the life I hope to live when I grow up...single, condo, learned and consistently enjoying life with arms wide open!
Here are some pictures and my details of how the event went!
This is Colleen and I. We are fresh faced and well groomed before we left...this is important because we left in a soft top jeep...the top came off and the grooming flew out the window, much to our delight!

What is any roadtrip without at least a couple goofy faces? Can you tell we're having fun yet? Really, we got stuck behind a hay bail truck, and if any one has been behind these kind of transport vehicles, you know what that means...snoringly long time until you can get past them!

This is part of Nicola Lake. We took the back road to my family's home and it was stunning. Lakes and rolling hills around every bend, was simply beautiful scenery.

So just to help put the whole "jeep hair" discussion into perspective, this is what happens when you take the top off of a jeep...*GRIN*

These are some shots of my cousin Barry's property and his lovely "Dizzy" Great Dane, which I was schooled on why it isn't wise to own a Great Dane, but I am not sure if I will listen, because they are gorgeous and amazingly well tempered!

I know who cares about a packed tent laying on the ground, but there is a seriously cute story here. So, I am not the biggest fan of camping...I like it up to a point and then I am done with it. What can I say, I like hot showers! Anyways, I was quite happy to camp at my cousins place, but my dear friend Colleen forgot the tent poles...which worked out nicely for me, cause I got to sleep in a real bed, inside the house for the weekend...WOOT for pole gremlins!

So, now I have proof I am not making this up. My cousin has begun hosting this annual bike ride, which he and his wife have dubbed "ScarAss". This ride has been going on for several years, but had been hosted by someone else, but the amount of people who show up had outgrown the friends property. Turns out my cousin has ALOT of property and now he hosts the event.

This is me mugging it up with my cousin Barry and his lovely wife Susan. They have a fantastically fun relationship and have been together FOREVER! I really enjoy these two and I constantly look forward to hearing from them.

So these next few pictures are pictures of my cousins that were at the ScarAss. The top one is Cousin Barry. Next is Leo with his partner. After that is Veronica (Ronnie) with her partner. And finally Butch and Wilf (might be Wilf, can't remember yikes). Butch is sweet, even though he is older and retired, he still acts like a kid and loves catching "critters" and hunting and traveling to see different family members. Very endearing!