I have to share this because well it was one of those funny moments...
So went into Sport Check to look for a mouth guard...specifically a moldable hockey mouth guard. I am already intimidated being in there and beginning to think I went in the wrong store because all I see is clothing and shoes, no accessories. Hockey is shoved in the back, next to the six employees who are wandering around, drooling on themselves and occassionally chucking a ball around.
I slowly walk around the hockey section, very slowly, hoping I can add the sense that I need help...no such luck. I do find the mouthgaurds...a whole shelf full and I am fairly sure the variety of mouthguards is fully unneccessary, but there they were on a shelf that came up to my shoulders and was two of me in length and fully dedicated to mouth guards...colours, shapes, brands, straps, strapless, shockwave, sound effect...oh the list goes on...so naturally I stand there and gape.
Two young fellows are meandering in another aisle, clearly dressed as employees and even more distinctly doing everything possible to be un-employee like...not that I blame them, but I am confronted with a plethora and assortment of an item I can't even begin to comprehend in my imagination forget that I am actually standing in front of it...
Okay here comes the moment...so I call them over "I need help"
"I need a mouth guard, but I don't know which one to get"
"What are you using it for?"
Oh and this is my moment of glory..."To guard my mouth"
Yep, this is where I go with that question...and I meant it, wasn't even being sarcastic, although in my head I was thinking *what the heck do you think I am using it for...toilet cleaning??"
Of course the kid corrected his line of questioning and asked what activity was I needing a mouth guard for...
"I grind my teeth and need to stop"
$3.53 later and two smart ass employees and one beligerant customer and I now have a device that is suppose to reduce my dental bill....