Oh okay, dammit. I have been a total whiner lately. Which is funny because I personally can't stand complaining. Something inside of me dies when I hear someone drone on about something in their lives they aren't happy with...and I am being such a hyprocrit right now!
Okay, the essay is in. Really, I finished it...the first one of my Masters carreer..and you know what...I feel okay. I know it isn't my best work...but somehow I decided to lay my heart down along the path and I didn't pick it up for purposes of writing the essay. All is okay.
Really, what do I have to worry about...nothing.
Honestly, I have lived through some interesting experiences, even have the scars to prove my journey has been rough. Academia is not rough...so why am I whining?
I think I must be a battered wife...metaphorically. I can't enjoy something if it doesn't come with its fair share of lumps...and honestly there are no real lumps to be had in Academia. You talk to somone and read some books and perhaps write a ditty or two and et voila you get a title and a piece of paper which apparently states you know something...doesn't have to be earthshattering and rarely ever is, just know something. Well shoot, I know a whole bunch of things!
So, it is time for inspiration.
I need to get into a creative writing class. I need some new music. I need a new hair colour. And some of those funky foam shoes.
Hoping Mary Ellen doesn't retire so I can sit in on her classes and find my writing spirit again. I think my soul misses my hands holding a pen and splurging on the paper. The honesty needs to purge.
And in the end FUCK THEM ALL!
Clean up your own damn mess and stop shitting!
over and out